OnLight Aurora considers education the beginning of the entire economic development and quality of life equation. Workforce development can be the single most important component to the entire process – without a trained and educated workforce, no company will locate in your community.
We are fortunate that the community fully embraces this concept as evidenced by its total immersion in the Pathways to Prosperity project through Harvard University that identified the needs in the community so they can be addressed. OnLight Aurora was called out in this report as a key resource to the community as a whole and in particular, to education. Since day one, OnLight Aurora has worked with the entire education community, P through 20, to provide access to its high speed, highly secure, resilient broadband network. Our first connections were schools and we continue today to provide them answers and the technology they need to educate a community. From pre-schools through K-12, community colleges and four year institutions as well as vocational and workforce development training fostered by the needs of business, OnLight Aurora will continue to provide the access necessary to help them do their job.